"Preventative medical care" to my mind is common sense and shouldn't require a doctor's appointment. It's the same common sense all our parents and grandparents and their parents and grandparents had. I really think the population has become quite stupid. Eat healthy. Eat mostly fruits and vegetables, and not with ranch dressing. Cake is a treat. Enjoy it once in a while. Get outside. Exercise. Do manual labor. Pick the weeds. Go for bike rides. Keep your mind busy. Read books. (For the modern population, get off your phone.) Be social. Go to church or to the Elks meeting.The fact that so many people think preventative medical care "doesn't do anything" is a major reason why we have such an unhealthy population. It's actually the smartest medical dollars spent.That is the sort of Dr. visit no one needs. The problem is patients go in for a medicare wellness visit that doesn't do anything.Wellness visit is a very specified type of visit by Medicare and is basically a review of preventive medicine. It does not cover any physical exam nor mangement of medications. It would not be appropriate to code the described visit as a wellness visit.This happens to me every time. Make sure you specify "annual medicare wellness" visit. Or in your case, it was the "Welcome to Medicare". If you say "physical" they will charge you for preventive care which neither medicare nor your supplement will pay for.
It's typical for some providers to pad their bill. I call the billing dept and they "recode" to some other spurious charge that medicare will pay.
When I was a kid I remember watching All in the Family. I didn't get it. Didn't make sense to me. But good lord Archie Bunker was obese. I didn't know anyone as fat as he was. I saw a clip recently and I was shocked to think well he's a little doughy but really not fat at all. He didn't change. There are so many unhealthy fat people in this country that what was obese a generation ago doesn't even register. I see little kids at parks and ball games with liter and two liter bottles of soda. I see morbidly fat people checking out at the grocery with their carts filled with ice cream and chips.
It's all common sense. A generation ago everyone understood this. People have become so stupid they sit on their phones and eat cheetos all day. When I was a kid there was maybe one fat kid. If you're 10 years old you are burning calories faster than you can believe. HOW are you so inactive and how do you manage to put so many calories in your body so quickly at 10 that you are obese?
Fruits. Vegetables. Play outside. If people followed those rules at minimum 90% of obesity would disappear. And obesity is the foundation of much of our health problems. Fats cause plaque which causes organ compromise. It's a simple solution. You don't need to see your doctor and get labs drawn. Just live a healthy life.
Statistics: Posted by KBR — Wed Aug 14, 2024 4:08 pm — Replies 72 — Views 8318