If you are in de-cumulation instead of accumulation, your entire portfolio is your emergency fund and you don't need a separate one although you might like a handy pot of cash.My net worth is currently fluctuating between $200k and $300k in a Vanguard Taxable Account in the asset allocation listed below. I currently keep 6 months to 12 months of monthly income ($27,149 to $54,299) in a separate Vanguard Cash Plus Account for emergencies. I have a guaranteed pension of $4,524.99 per month with a annual COLA adjustment for the rest of my life that covers all my expenses and necessities.
Should i invest the emergency fund money or just leave it separate?
Asset Allocation:
54% - VTSAX
36% - VTIAX
10% - VMFXX
However, if you are in de-cumulation, a portfolio of 90% stocks is mighty aggressive
Statistics: Posted by retiredjg — Sun Aug 25, 2024 7:05 pm — Replies 18 — Views 1506