Got to include dividends.If he does, it's hubris to think the US is immune.I think when he says "the market" he means the US Stock Market.34 years is a heckuva a long time to wait for a "foregone conclusion".Individual stocks, sure, plenty have met their demise, but markets (stocks, not tulip bulbs) in the long run have never failed to recover and surpass their previous highs. So in that sense, historically, stock markets going up is a rather foregone conclusion, barring of course some sort of extinction level event.
Plenty of markets have not only not gone up, they've either closed forever or fallen and failed to ever recover to previous highs. Markets going up, even over long time horizons, is absolutely not a forgone conclusion.
Will there be periodic temporary stock market declines, pull backs, corrections, etc., yes, absolutely, plan on it, but it will recover which is why I don't like to use the term, "crash", as it implies an unrecoverable outcome. I can't count the number of my cohorts (family, friends, co-workers), who panicked during a downturn to the detriment of their portfolios when they should have just stepped back and took a deep breath.
I look at major market declines as buying opportunities, increasing my stock AA's during these temporay events, then returning to safer positions when the market eventually recovers.
Statistics: Posted by HomerJ — Thu Apr 18, 2024 12:14 am — Replies 75 — Views 6981