It's actually even simpler than that. Being involved in an accident is positively correlated with being in further accidents, therefore the cost to insure you goes up (in states that allow this). Could be your driving habits, could be the driving habits of the people in your area, maybe your local roads are simply more dangerous. All the insurance company cares about is that your risk has gone up regardless of the reason for it.Think of it this way. Someone who is a hard braker and tailgater may get rear-ended more frequently than someone who leaves room and is easy on the brakes. So like it or not, someone being not-at-fault in certain accidents points to possible poor driving practices.Outside of California and a couple other states, your rates can absolutely go up.If you were not at fault at all, your premiums will not go up.
Here's an insurance company telling you this: ... insurance/Do insurance rates go up after no-fault accidents?
It may seem unfair, but accidents that aren't your fault may still increase your rate in certain states. Not-at-fault accidents can indicate a higher likelihood of future accidents. However, your rate may not increase as much as it would for an at-fault accident. As with speeding tickets and most other violations, not-at-fault accidents stay on your driving record for a certain number of years (the length varies by state).
Recently, my favorite non-profit had their insurance drop them. There was a claim, but there was also a not-at-fault accident that required the insurance company to prove to the other they were not at fault. No money was paid. But... it was some sort of dark spot on the insurance record. Stinks.
Statistics: Posted by jbowman — Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:07 pm — Replies 16 — Views 919