In 1990 I was between jobs and thought it would be fun to be an airport shuttle driver. We were paid a percentage of the ride cost and we did a lot of sitting around waiting for our next ride. There was a lot of competition between the different companies and our own drivers. My gross would usually be around $250/day with $125 going back to the company. So, around $37,500/year plus tips, less fuel. I would start at 10am and end about 10pm each day. Early each morning I had to make sure my van was spotless and fueled up. The vast majority of times I would get a $5 tip. Sometimes $2. Remember, this is 1990. The current Uber cost to the airport is not really that much higher now than 23 years ago. This is a very hard way to make a living. I am not a big tipper in general but I always give my shuttle driver $5 minimum and usually go for about 15% of the ride cost. As a little side story - all the time I did this job, only one person "stiffed" me. Very memorable ice cream tycoon who obviously could afford it.
Statistics: Posted by tfunk — Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:27 pm — Replies 31 — Views 2259