Thanks I am not used to having to figure out the returns, so thanks for the link. I was going to look through Bernstein's latest book but I don't think he had a range. In any case, the free version does not allow you to change the return range, so every portfolio is essentially the same.So NewRetirement does not use asset allocation, it uses rate of return by account. So you have to blend that as an optimistic or pessimistic entry and then it will average them.
Now you end up with the classic Boglehead debate on what to use for return assumptions. I just use the Blackrock projections because they give you a range. ... ssumptions
Or just use a best and worst across all your accounts. Something like this chart for 20 years by Fidelity, ... sification
I also found the Monty Carlo in New Retirement.
What is not clear to me is if I am suppsed to enter the tax into the expense. Since you have to enter the federal tax rate, I would say yes. The free version seems to have no provision for state taxes, so I think I have to enter the state tax as an expense but leave out the federal tax.
Statistics: Posted by gavinsiu — Fri May 24, 2024 11:39 pm — Replies 5 — Views 576