Yes, those wires. After googling my problem which is similar to yours, a youtube video led me to check the wires and found that I had at least two (initially) that needed spliced.Are you referring to the wires that are visible in the bottom left front of the unit? They appear to run up through a conduit or pipe the middle of the hinge.Our Whirlpool Side-by-side has wires that go up into the freezer door from the bottom by the door hinge. We've had many severed wires over the course of 3 years which I've spliced to enable things to work again. We now leave the base cover off to allow for the wires to travel freely as the door pivots open. All that to say maybe check and see if you have the same thing going on.
Is this YouTube video you reference?
I can't believe the design is so flawed.
I'll post a picture of mine tomorrow because I don't think I have a base cover over that door hinge but I do on the refrigerator side. Ever since the unit was installed I thought it was odd that there was no base cover on the bottom left. Maybe whirlpool instructed installers to remove it.
Statistics: Posted by catchinup — Fri May 31, 2024 1:04 am — Replies 18 — Views 1213