On the other side of North America, a sibiling found that they won't replace in summer - the attic is too hot to work in.My a/c systems were nearing 25 years, and we're in an expensive and hot part of Texas, where a/c failure is an emergency. We replaced both working systems during the off season last year. So 2 large single stage a/c units and associated gas furnaces. Quotes ranged from 12K to 24K. We went with a $14K quote.
During the busy summer season, when all the companies are swamped, I'd imagine that replacing a system on an emergency basis would cost us a lot more, and we might have to suffer without cooling for a few days (meaning either a hotel, or purchasing a bunch of window units to keep the house habitable)
Our mother's system is nearly 30 years old, so this is a concern.
Statistics: Posted by Valuethinker — Mon Jun 17, 2024 3:49 am — Replies 78 — Views 9428