I will have to experiment with what is feasible. Some online blogs suggest that you can get away with a 50-50 mix and some say the breads can be as good as regular wheat. I find that hard to believe but I will post results if any interest.Most people eat refined wheat. That is the greatest problem. I wonder if OP is currently baking 100% whole grain breads because it is typically recommended to add gluten to the dough to allow the bread to rise if using a bread machine. Heritage wheat is also going to give a really thick dough that will have difficulty rising.[quote=Empiricus post_id=8054487 time=<a href="tel:1727463398">1727463398</a> user_id=191849]
A good book: Bob Quinn, "Grain by Grain: A Quest to Revive Ancient Wheat, Rural Jobs, and Healthy Food"
It includes some promising preliminary results from single blind and double blind studies, which incorporate a certain khorasan wheat.
For baked goods I do 50-50 (50 AP and 50 whole wheat pastry flour). For breads in the bread machine, I do 50-50 (50 white bread flour and 50 whole grain). I have a whole grain cookbook published by King Arthur Flour that is 100% whole grain baking, but not with heritage wheat. It is a great book. If you can figure the heritage wheat out, then maybe you can write a cookbook. I just don't think you will get the health benefits you're looking for if you do 50-50. Good luck.
Statistics: Posted by FeralCat — Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:25 pm — Replies 19 — Views 1275