You can share your luck with your kids by gifting them your good genes, taking time out of work to give them extra reading/music/sports lessons and extra travel as kids, teaching them good manners and good work ethic. All of those things are more important than giving them large amounts of money. Further, the things that I mentioned enhance your kids' base attributes. Giving them money does nothing for their base attributes and possibly inflicts a complacency status build-up on them which reduces their motivation and internal locus.Yes, earning wealth builds character, but it’s mostly good luck. Life isn’t fair and many people are smarter and work harder than me and won’t achieve the same level of success. I will be sharing my luck with my kids.
I'm not saying you should deprive your kids or never give them a penny, but any money given to them IMO should be aimed at alleviating a negative. I want my kids to be comfy. I want them to not have any huge hurdles to obtaining a good education (though gifted and talented programs are typically free, and a lot of universities have fee subsidies for high-scoring students anyway). I want them, however, at the same time to have an incentive to get a part-time job in high school / college, to teach them responsibility.
I want to teach my kid to be a better fisherman, as a first priority. If my kid is really terrible at fishing, perhaps I'll help buy a better rod. Only if all else fails would I want to just hand my kid fish.
Statistics: Posted by justworld — Mon Dec 02, 2024 8:43 am — Replies 116 — Views 7643