Agreed and I am 100% for sites using a standard open TOTP solution, I think I am up to 28 TOTP seeds stored now in my Google Authenticator app for different sites or services.In any case, I'm happy not to have to use Symantec VIP.
I used VIP for many years, I think pretty much since Fidelity started offering it, but switched to the Python hack to generate a new VIP code as soon as I found out about it and called Fidelity to switch to my "new phone", so I could have the TOTP code on multiple devices and back it up. Then as soon as Fidelity offered the standard TOTP solution, I switched to that.
Related, while I like the idea of hardware FIDO devices like a YubiKey or a Titan Key, and it's been discussed a few times on various threads, I don't think I'll ever use one with Fidelity, if Fidelity started offering it. I don't like the idea of having another physical device I need to keep track of and carry around. I feel TOTP, protected with biometrics, coupled with a good unique username and password is more than sufficient to protect my Fidelity accounts.
The only way I'd ever use a hardware FIDO with Fidelity is if it could be registered only for additional security, like if I could register a FIDO key that had to be presented in order to make big account changes (Change username, password, address, phone number, lock down settings, etc) but still use TOTP for normal login, trading, etc. If I had to present the FIDO every time I logged in, no thanks. Even if they offered the "Remember Me" option, inevitably something would happen at the worst possible time, there'd be a glitch and I'd need the hardware key to get into the Fidelity App or Web site but it would be at home in my safe or otherwise not available right then and there.
Statistics: Posted by volstagg — Fri Nov 15, 2024 6:31 am — Replies 7442 — Views 1434847