I had a deposit on a CyberTruck. At the time, I was volunteering with a local group that bucks, splits, and delivers firewood (only locally fallen trees) to seniors at a charitable price. I got tired of the care we had to take to gently fill up the pickup bed with firewood lest the finish get dinged; I thought just chucking in the firewood was much quicker. The CT was supposed to be bulletproof.I was at a local car wash waiting for my car to be finished. Speaking with a woman who brought in a large, very fancy pick-up truck. I was making small talk about how "neat" it looked in the back. She rolled her eyes and sighed, then said "it's my husband's truck. He won't let me use it to pick up hay for my horses because he doesn't want to mess up the truck bed." She used finger-quotes when she got to the "mess up the truck bed" part. I asked her how she picked up hay. Said she can squeeze one bail into her SUV but most of the time has to have it delivered.
I canceled my deposit after the promises of the CT became more of Elon’s BS. For insurance reasons, the group had to use a town vehicle to transport the firewood anyway.
Statistics: Posted by TomatoTomahto — Sat Nov 16, 2024 6:32 am — Replies 76 — Views 3345